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Pink Hive Tool with J Hook

$7.99 USD

These tools have the unique J hook to make pulling frames easy and the blade edge for prying boxes and scraping beekeeping equipment.


Our beekeeping hive tools have a thick, strong feel but a thin profile, making the tool easy to store in beekeeping jacket pockets. Heavy gauge metal with a comfortable grip to increase strength and reduce flexing when prying and scraping bee hives.


The high-strength 304 stainless steel is strong in all weather conditions and will not bend, rust, or corrode, and is easily sanitized so it can be a part of your beekeeping supplies long term.


It is painted an attractive pink to make the J-hook hive tool and scraper easy to find when working outside in tall grass so no more looking for your equipment.


See our other Beekeeping Hive Tools.

See our entire collection of Beekeeping Supplies.

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