Bee pro is a pollen substitute designed to give your bees that extra oomph when you want them to grow in population. This feeding supplement is a patty that is placed inside the hive for the bees to feed on. These are the meat to your bee's potatoes, the stuff that makes the colony grow.
Pollen patties are a quick way to boost a population, but they can also lead to early swarming if the population grows too quickly. Adding protein in the form of a patty to the inside of the colony encourages the queen to lay more eggs to build their population of bees up. This can be helpful during the early spring but is not ideal as bees start to prepare for winter during the fall.
Use pollen patties wisely. Pollen patties are also attractive to small hive beetles, and adults can lay eggs in them quickly if the bees do not consume it. It is a best practice to break the pollen patty into separate 1-2 inch strips or pieces so the bees can feed on it quickly.
From the manufacturer:
Our Bee-Pro® patties are a great feed made even better with the addition of Pro-Health. Pro-Health is a digestive health aide that also encourages increased consumption of patties and medicated feeds. If you are looking for faster consumption and maximum nutritional value, this is the way to go! Overall brood production increased by 1½ to 3 frames more than control hives! Why spend more with the other guy when you can save money and build up better bees?
✓ Balanced nutrition
✓ Not weather dependent
✓ Early brood production
✓ Increased bee populations
✓ Ready to feed
✓ No mixing, no mess
✓ Convenient: go from box to hive in seconds
✓ Each patty is approx. 1 lb (454 g) Contains not less than 12% protein.
See more of our Syrup, Protein, and Supplements
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