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10-Frame Double Deep Box Hive Kit

$334.00 CAD

10 Frame, Double Deep Beekeeping Starter Kit

This beehive starter kit is the basic hive for successful beekeeping, with all of the necessary pieces needed for the colony of honey bees to live in. Our woodenware is made from long-lasting cypress wood, and our foundation is a high-quality double-waxed foundation.

This cypress Langstroth hive is a complete kit with the woodenware needed to start your first beehive. The beekeeping supplies in this kit include:

You can opt to purchase your beekeeper starter kit unassembled, assembled, or painted. When buying unassembled, the only parts that need to be assembled are the frames and boxes. All other pieces of the hive kit are assembled for you. If you are a beginner and starting bee keeping for the first time, it may be a better choice to buy assembled equipment as assembling frames is easy, but it can take some time to do it properly. We do have jigs to make this easier.

If you opt for fully assembled, the beekeeping equipment is assembled extremely well. We use weatherproof Titebond glue and multiple, very large staples for our frames and boxes.

We have multiple sizes and types of beekeeping starter kits, and it can be a little confusing. Because of this, we wrote a few posts to help.

Should I Start With All Medium or Deep Boxes?

Should I Start With 8 or 10 Frame Equipment?

When looking for beekeeping kits for sale, it can be hard to distinguish the quality online. We have been selling this beekeeping starter kit since 2016, which is very popular and of excellent quality. Our cypress wood equipment is made with a very clear, 7/8-inch thick smooth board, which is thicker and more durable than the industry standard but is still compatible with the standard beehive.

Each of our kits is designed to be the space where the queen can lay eggs, and the bees can store fresh honey to eat over the winter. This kit does not include the additional honey boxes or honey supers (What is a Honey Super?) needed for the bees to store excess honey for the beekeeper to harvest from. It is possible to need 1 more medium box and frames during the first year, especially if you start the colony with a nucleus hive or live in a sub-tropical climate. 

We recommend getting one more medium box with frames, just in case. If not used during year one, it will be needed during year two. If using a queen excluder, it would be placed above the boxes in this kit and under the additional boxes added to the hive.

Be sure to check out our Master Series on getting started in beekeeping.

Beekeeping for Beginners - Is Beekeeping Right For Me? - What Beekeeping Equipment Do I Need? - Where Do I Get Bees? - How To Learn To Keep Bees

If you would like to customize the kit, like opting for foundationless frames, wax foundation or a solid bottom board instead of a screened one, we recommend building your kit and adding separate pieces to the cart. All the pieces of the beekeeping starter kits can be purchased separately at the same price as they are in the kit. This way, you can get the bee equipment you want. You can use the list of products above as a guide.

Some starter kits include lots of other beekeeping supplies that are not necessary. Since we started having beekeeping kits for sale, we chose to keep the equipment simple and not oversell. There are other pieces of equipment you will need like a hive tool, bee suit or bee jacket, leather gloves, a nucleus hive or package of bees (Package or Nucleus Hive, Which is Better?), a bee smoker, and a way to feed your bees. We have all of these products for sale, and they can be purchased separately through our website or in our store.

There are other tools available like a bee brush, queen excluder, frame holder, and more that are optional. It's not necessary to purchase everything you need, but there are essentials that every beekeeper uses.

Purchase 10 Frame Hive parts separately to customize your hives.

Be sure to read our blog on Should I Start With All Medium Or Deep Boxes.

Watch our YouTube video to choose your first beehive setup. Should you use 8 or 10 frames? Deep or medium boxes?

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Gary M.
Different Level of Customer Service & Quality

Foxhound proved to me they value their customers. I had a slight problem and they satisfied me 100%. I purchased another cypress hive set from another company just to compare quality. First, the cypress board Foxhound uses was thicker. Second, the hand cut outs were MUCH smoother and cleaner. Third, the Telescoping Top had a much thinner aluminum cover and the inside was not cypress. It was plywood. I hope my experience will help you make an informed decision. Oh, I also asked the other company why they didn't notch their boxes. They said that it would cause the cypress wood to split and splinter. I told them that Foxhound's wood ware came notched. To which they replied, "Oh, Foxhound has special equipment that enables them to notch their cypress boxes. We can't afford it." Interesting, huh? Somehow it seems to me that "finger joints" are stronger than "dado" joints. But what do I know?

Justin H.
5 frame nuc box

I ordered the unassembled 5 frame nuc box kit, and it came with everything that it was supposed to. I had no problem putting it together.

Erwin T.
Excellent value!

Great price, high quality

Brody C.
Good quality

The whole kit was put together very nicely and I am extremely satisfied with the quality of the whole kit

Blake W.
Great For starting a hive

These cypress double deep boxes are great for starting a hive. The paint used is great and the boxes are made well. The frame don’t have a lot of wax so you will have to wax them. Also the inner top doesn’t have a screen so you will have to add one.

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