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The Fastest Way To Build Bee Frames

The Fastest Way To Build Bee Frames

The Fastest Way To Build Bee Frames

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As an Amazon Associate, Foxhound Bee Company may earn from qualifying purchases

We build a lot of frames for our customers and have figured out a remarkably quick way to build a quality frame with foundation in 25 seconds. If you want a smaller version of the tool we use to build our frame, check our jig below.

UPDATE: We built this 50 frame jig in 2015 and are still using this same design. It just can’t be beat

We build a lot of frames for our customers and have figured out a remarkably quick way to build a quality frame with foundation in 25 seconds. If you want a smaller version of the tool we use to build our frame, check our jig below.

UPDATE: We built this 50 frame jig in 2015 and are still using this same design. It just can’t be beat

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