Swarm Commander - Swarm Lure
Swarm Commander bee lure is the #1 most effective swarm lure on the market. Made in America, it makes catching swarms affordable and effective. Swarm Commander outperforms lemongrass oil every time by closely mimicking the Nasonov pheromone, reliably attracting more swarms without overwhelming the bees. Something that lemongrass is not able to do.
You can capture honeybee swarms effortlessly with our Swarm Commander collection. Available in multiple options, including as a spray or crush vial, these tools make setting up a bait hive simple. Often called bee commander, this lure is the one all other lures compare themselves to. They try to recreate it, but fail every time.
Designed to mimic natural pheromones through refind terpenes, these amazing products quickly attract scout bees to your hives, keeping traps active for weeks. Perfect for beekeepers looking to expand their apiary, they require minimal effort and offer great results.
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