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Foxhound Reusable Small Hive Beetle Trap

$6.00 CAD

These reusable small hive beetle traps for trapping beetles inside of a beehive without using any harsh chemicals inside the hive. Each trap works to catch beetles and prevents them from getting outside the trap and laying eggs. The reusable traps are halfway filled with food-grade oil and closed. They are hung between two frames in a beehive in the top super or box. As beetles hide from the bees, they are forced into the trap and killed.

Each trap has a fully removable top to make it easier to add food-grade oil without spilling, as well as to make cleaning the traps out of beetles and oil easy. Traps can be easily cleaned out, refilled with oil, and placed in the hive.

Our traps are a natural and organic approach to helping keep small hive beetles and their larvae from impacting your backyard beehive. Instead of adding chemicals, our traps work with the bee's natural tendency to corral beetles.

Read our post on how to use these small hive beetle traps.
See our entire collection of Small Hive Beetle Control.
Full beekeeping pest control line.

Customer Reviews

Based on 13 reviews
Tim B.
Beetle Traps

I really like using the reusable beetle traps. They are very easy to clean and refill as needed. They beat the heck out of some of the similar traps.

Thanks, Tim! We're glad to hear our reusable beetle traps are working well for you. Happy beekeeping!

Really good beetle trap

I've had lots of trouble with SHB and attack them in several ways. This trap is one of the best, it catches lots of beetles. It lays flat between two frames It is easy to clean for next year.. Put a little cooking oil in it then put in the top near an edge. By far, it is the best trap to place in the top of your colony.

Debi O.
Ease of use

I absolutely love these new hive beetle traps. Longer than past disposable traps. Much easier to open, refill and close back up. And these lie flat across the top of the frames. The others were always a little wonky.

These traps work!

These traps work very well!!

Best beetle trap I've found for inserting between frames

I've tried a bunch of different traps, and these are my favorite. These reusable traps fit very well between the frames. Most of the other traps, especially the throw-away traps, do not fit well between the frames without moving the frames apart. Since they don't fit, it causes a slight gap above the frame which provides a place for the beetles to hide. I believe that gap makes it harder for the mites to get on top of the trap and therefore makes it difficult for them to enter the trap. The foxhound reusable traps do not have those problems. They are also easier to clean than some of the designs.
I will note that the dimensions seem to be incorrect. The description says they are 10" long, but I measured 9".

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