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Comb Honey Production Book

$24.99 USD
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Cornell University Professor Roger A. Morse's classic book on the production of comb honey. He considered comb honey production and queen rearing to be the benchmark of an accomplished beekeeper.

Comb honey is exactly as the bees produce it, with a natural comb and no heating or filtering during the production by the bees. Comb honey is a gourmet item in many fine eating establishments, often coupled with fine cheeses and fresh fruit.  The book is one of the best on the topic of comb honey production using traditional methods.

130 Pages, ISBN- 10: 1878075349, ISBN - 13: 978-1878075345

Be sure to check out our Comb Honey Frames for making comb honey easier to make and sell.

See more of our Advanced Beekeeping Books.
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