10-Frame Cypress Screened Bottom Board

$25.99 USD

This Cypress Screened Bottom Board serves as the floor of the hive, supporting all the weight of the boxes and frames on top of it.

The Cypress Screened Bottom Board has become very popular in the last decade as a way to help reduce the population of varroa mites. This is the main reason for its popularity and the reason we include it in our beekeeping starter kits by default.

You can purchase your bottom boards assembled with Titebond Glue, staples, and nails so you don't have to worry about it. The 10- Frame Solid Bottom Board does not have a screen and because of its solid floor, provides more insulation during cold months. Both options work great and have been used for decades.

It is designed to work perfectly with our small hive beetle tray that seals completely, keeping bees out of the oil or diatomaceous earth in the pan. We redesigned our bottom boards to work perfectly with our Small Hive Beetle Oil Pan Trap.

The Cypress Screened Bottom Board is also the place most beekeepers place their bee feeders. The screen on the bottom of the bottom board serves as a false floor that bees cannot get through, but debris and air can pass through easily. Our screened bottom boards also have a small rail underneath the screen that a corrugated board can rest. This corrugated board allows beekeepers to "close" the screen, reducing any drafts.

You can opt to choose if you'd like us to prime and paint your bottom board. 

See our other 10 Frame Hive Parts available at our store.

Read the Beehive Basic Components on our blog.

Watch our YouTube video to learn the pros and cons of Solid and Screened Bottom Boards.

Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews
Bailey D.
Great place for the bees to hangout

My bees have LOVED hanging on this fresh Cyprus porch. This product is well constructed and has lasted through all seasons. I appreciate that I can add an oil tray if needed to help out the bees.

Keep buzzing and enjoying your cozy hangout spot bees!

Screened bottom board

This bottom board is a high quality support for our hives. Love the craftsmanship of Foxhound bee products!

David M.
Great bottom board!

This is my go to screened bottom board. I love the cypress and like all of Foxhound products it's made to ladt.

Ivy R.
Oil pans and bottom boards work great

I purchased oil pans and they would not fit on my bottom boards! This company said this might be the case so I ordered new bottom boards for my 8 frame hives. I saw these used with our bee club hives and I was impressed! It has rained since I received them however I did get one installed. I’m looking forward to getting all of them installed so I can monitor my hive beetle and varroa mite counts since I did a mite treatment the last part of July. Thanks to Foxhound for making the oil pans available and helping me figure out how to get everything put together.

Sarah W.
Breathable Screen Bottom

Great for hot weather ventilation.

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