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Small Hive Beetle Towels - 5 Pack

$5.95 USD

These have become a popular ways to deal with small hive beetles in a natural way without any pesticides or chemicals. These disposable towels trap beetles inside the hive as they walk around the hive without hurting the bees.

Each Small Hive Beetle Towel measures 13.25 x 5.25 inches.

These Small Hive Beetle Towels create a trap for beetles by snaring the adult beetles in the fabric. The fibers of the towels get hooked onto the beetle's legs and keep them from getting away.

These can be placed inside the hive year-round to catch the beetles, but they work best when beetles are most active.  This is during the spring, summer, and fall. If left on during the winter, the bees will likely propolise the towels and make them difficult to remove.

These Small Hive Beetle Towels work best when they are roughed up before being placed into the hive. They can be torn into 1-2 inch strips and placed on the edges of the frames where the top bars rest on the sides of the box. This is where the beetles are driven by the beetles, and they will get caught up on the towel.  When the towel is full of adult beetles, the towel can be discarded and replaced.

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